Today was a glorious day - I believe the Lord made it especially beautiful for a convertible ride up Trail Ridge Road with my dear, dear friend, Joanna. With the top down and the sun warming our faces, we drove up to the top of Rocky Mountain National Park to spend some time praising the Lord. The whole time we were hiking (trying to stay on the rocks so we didn't kill the delicate plants of the tundra) the song of my heart was "You are Love, Love, Love, Love. Lord you are Love, Love, Love, Love."
I was praising the Lord for showing His love through all of my wonderful friends and family. Thank you all for loving me for who I am. I pray that you will see the Lord's love coming through your friends and family. I also pray that you will be so overflowing with the love of and for the Lord, that it spills into the lives of the ones around you. Lord, thank you for loving all of us, your precious children. God, thank you for being love.
I was reading in 1 John 4 today and learning more about God's love and how He showed his love. This phrase, the second half of verse 16, especially spoke to my heart. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him
Disclaimer - The photo above is from Trail Ridge Road, but I actually took it in mid June, not today. So, there was less snow today and also fewer clouds. It was beautiful!!!
The countdown is on... Departure day for Kona, HI is 4 weeks, 5 days away!
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