I have been really bad about updating my blog. So, here is a quick overview of my life since I last wrote in June.
I found a really cute alley house to rent in Gunnison and moved in the beginning of July. I am living by myself and it has been great! I was hesitant at first because I had been so lonely in Rwanda, and I didn't want to isolate myself from people when I was back in Gunnison. Instead it has been a place of rest and relaxation. AND I have some amazing quiet times here worshiping, reading my Bible, praying, and just resting in God's arms.
Then in mid-July, I hit the road with my wonderful friend, Gabby Rose, for a road trip through Utah, Nevada, Oregon, California, and then back home. We had a incredible time checking out more of God's great creation on our 10 day, 3,0000 mile adventure! Here are a couple of pictures from that trip:
Crater Lake National Park, Southern Oregon The coast off Northern California
Ready for a night out in Las Vegas Hanging out with John, a friend from college
When I got back from my trip with Gabby, I started working again with the Go To Guide Telephone Directory. I do advertisement sales for them here in Gunnison and in Montrose. I really love all the people I work with. My job also gives me great opportunities to meet new people in the Gunnison valley. I continue to pray that God opens doors for me during my work day to share His love and hope and encouragement with the people He places in front of me.
So a couple of days after I started, a dear friend of mine and her husband were heading to Lake Powell. They had invited me three years in a row and I had never been able to make it. I had already declined again for this year, and at the last minute, I called Mariah up and asked if I the invitation was still open. I was making an uncharacteristic decision taking days off of work my first week back, but I just couldn't pass this one up.
God blessed our time in Lake Powell. I was able to get to know Mariah's new husband, Christian, and spend an incredible weekend in awe of God's creation of the red rocks of Lake Powell (and their beautiful reflections on the water). The stars at night were one of my highlights - especially the night I woke up at 4am and sat in worship as the stars from the sky were mirrored off the still waters of the lake. That was one of the most beautiful things God has ever shown me.
When I got back home, I was ready to make my house more beautiful. Jessi, my sister, came over last week to help with some landscaping. We laid down weed-block, moved rocks, planted some hearty perennials, and made a little oasis in my alley. Since last weekend I planted a few more plants, put down more rocks, and brought 2 bright blue chairs from my parents house to use at my "spool" table. It is so great to have a place to sit outside for meals or sipping wine with friends.
So, God continues to reveal to me the beauty of His creation. Last week when I drove to Montrose for ad sales, God gave me an incredible show in the sky. It had just rained really hard when a saw a double rainbow in the sky. Then, it looked as if the clouds were on fire. The sun was just setting and casting incredible colors on the clouds just above the road. I was in such awe! I blasted the song "Indescribable" by Chris Tomlin over and over as I watched God's hand at work in the sky. WOW! Thank you, Lord!
So, here I am starting my fourth week back at work and loving life. God is also preparing me for my next big challenge - writing, illustrating and publishing one (at least) children's book. More on that in future blogs.
Thanks for reading : )